Recently I have come across this technique of dry brushing. I never tried it before so I thought it might be an interesting blog post. I ordered this brush off the Look Fantastic website. I love this website for beauty products and the best part is that it has free shipping. I ordered the ‘ Hydrea London Beech Wood Body Brush with Cactus Fibre Bristles.’ This brush currently has 20% off so it only cost €10.95. This brush is also FSC certified which means it has been responsibly sourced. According to the website, dry brushing is supposed to aid circulation, prevent the build-up of cellulite and help remove toxins. I started using this brush on my legs and I have instantly noticed my skin is a lot smoother. I think the brush has also helped reduce the appearance of cellulite. I would recommend to use this brush daily for the best results. Thanks for reading! Check out my social media too! Youtube: